Frequently asked questions.

Q: What is the payment frequency?

A: We offer weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payment options. You can fully prepay the loan at any time. You can also make lump sum payments at your discretion. There are no fees associated with a full loan prepayment or lump sum payments.

Q: How can I make my payments?

A: Payments are automatically debited from your bank account.

Q: What happens if a payment is missed?

A: If we automatically debit your account for your payment and there are not enough funds available, we will charge a $50 NSF fee (Non-Sufficient Funds), and a representative will be in contact with you to schedule a catch-up payment.

Q: How is the APR Calculated?

A: The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the ‘all-in’ yearly fee that our customers pay to borrow money from Lendful Financial Inc. It is there to help you work out what your total yearly out-of-pocket cost is. The APR includes our Origination Fee and the Interest Rate.

Other questions?

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to write to us at [email protected]